Top Amazon FBA Courses
Are you looking to start selling on Amazon FBA?
For the last years, the popularity of the FBA program has raised exponentially, which lead many aspiring entrepreneurs to start selling.
Because of how competition has changed Amazon, it is relevant to learn how to manage those changes, and the best way is by having the right FBA course
Why Is Choosing An Amazon Course So Hard?
Even though not everybody succeeds at Amazon, the ones who do will create a video-lesson course 80% of the time. That means that there are thousands of people selling info-product about how they made it on this platform.
Hopefully, the right FBA courses will give you access to a community of successful students and mentors, which is far more effective than implementing the information by yourself.
These courses will require you to prepare a bigger budget initially but will save you thousands of dollars and many months of trial-and-error.
5 Best Amazon FBA Courses
#1: Amazon FBA Ninja Masterclass
The Amazon FBA Ninja Masterclass is probably one of the most popular courses on the Internet because of its many six-figure students. Here, you will learn how to sell on Amazon from zero with video-lessons updated every year.
The Ninja Masterclass course is also recognized by thousands of positive reviews and video testimonials. This course is different for many different reasons.
- Updates: Isn’t it frustrating to watch outdated video-lessons? Especially on a technical business such as Amazon FBA, it is critical to keep the content fresh for beginners. The Ninja Masterclass course also includes a Facebook Group with more than 15 thousand students in the community ready to answer your questions.
- Private Community: In this large community, you will find some of the best Amazon sellers who will help you to find your winning product and launch it. There is no better place to learn than this FBA Group.
- Direct Messaging: Whenever you need help, you can message the course creator, Kevin David, and he will answer your questions within 24h. In fact, you have access to his mentorship program for a lifetime.
- Promotions: Apart from the content, you will find useful perks and discounts for different tools related to product research and Pay Per Click advertising.
Because of the value, this product is not cheap at all. I would only recommend spending $1,997 if you are totally committed to work hard until you reach success on Amazon FBA.
You will love the Amazon FBA Ninja Masterclass because of all the support that you will receive, especially since you join the program until your first success. Obviously, it is complicated to offer everybody an excellent service when having to help many people, which is why the price gets much higher over time.
If you have what it takes to make it happen for your business, you will not regret joining this course.
- This course has created so many successful students
- Large Online Community
- Message Kevin David anytime
- The team updates and expands the lessons of the course constantly.
- 5 pay option to help make it more affordable.
- It costs $1,997
#2: Proven Amazon Course 2.0
Jim Cockrum’s Proven Amazon Course has been teaching students from all corners in the world since they got started in 2009. For the last decade, this program has had a massive evolution when it comes to content and strategies to sell on Amazon FBA.
But there is something that makes the Proven Amazon Course V2 different. These expert Amazon sellers know how to beat big brands, such as OXO, LEGO, AVERY, ZAPPOS, and Amazon Basics.
When it comes to price, Jim Cockrum’s Proven Amazon Course gives you everything he learned since 2008 for $497.
Of course, you will also access the Proven Amazon Course Facebook group to complete this pack. It is not infallible, but it is really hard not to succeed on Amazon when having the advantages available when acquiring this course.
- The training deeps down into the smallest details
- Perfect for experienced Amazon sellers
- Price ridiculously low
- 3 pay option to help make payments more affordable
- Any beginner can easily feel overwhelmed by the information
#3: The Amazing Selling Machine
How do you find a unique course sharing strategy nobody knows about? Consider joining the ASM11, a high-ticket program that includes the most up-to-date content and tools to give you an advantage as a seller.
The creator of this course has considered everything you could possibly hope for an Amazon FBA course. If you join, you will know exactly how to find a five-star product, outsource it, and launch successfully.
Mind that this program is not for everybody. Apart from the added value, the price is high to limit the number of people who get access to these FBA secrets. The Amazing Selling Machine has gone through different versions sharing tactics that anybody can use, but no-one knows about, which gives you a competitive advantage.
The last version of the Amazing Selling Machine, ASM11, will come up on October 13th. Hundreds of people have already reserved this program for $4997, which will be available for a limited period of time before closing its doors again.
In any case, the Amazing Selling Machine is a must-have for all those entrepreneurs who have experience selling on Amazon and want to get to the next level. You may still have the chance to reserve your subscription before it ends.
- Everything is ready for you with downloads and templates
- They offer a unique tool to automate product research
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- 6 Month BuyBack Guarantee And They Buy Your Inventory Under $5000
- For most people, it is not worth $4997
#4: Amazon Freedom Course
The Amazon Freedom Course will help you to create an eCommerce business, so you can live with freedom. For many people, the consequences of this decision may involve quitting your job, traveling as much as you want, work whenever you want, retire, do what they love, and live a fulfilled life.
It doesn’t have a big number of students yet, which makes it perfect for beginners. In general, one-on-one support will work better in reduced groups such as the Amazon Freedom Course.
Unlike the other complex courses, this $497 program gives us the basic information to create your eCommerce business on Amazon FBA.
The favorite part of the Amazon Freedom Course is how oriented it is to help new sellers to conceive success on this business model, encouraging anybody to try it.
In fact, the creator of the course, Dan Vas, has already spent many years offering valuable lessons for free on Youtube, also giving insights on social media platforms. That is a good opportunity for you to learn more about what motivated Dan to create the Amazon Freedom Course to give you a better idea about this program.
As we take a look at the Amazon Freedom Course landing page, this course combines all the information of the program with one-on-one mentorship, along with an online community to support you on your journey.
- The perfect course for beginners
- An easy method to scale your eCommerce business up to seven-figures per year
- It only costs $497
- If you are looking for the latest tactics to scale over eight-figures, this course is too limited for you
#5: Online Retail Mastery
Beau Crabill’s Online Retail Mastery course will teach you a different approach to eCommerce businesses. What if you could make money by promoting high-end branded products?
This $997 course teaches you legit strategies on how to make money selling branded products while totally protecting your company identity, starting by finding the best suppliers and prices.
The most interesting feature of the Online Retail Mastery has to do with the lifetime upgrades of the course. This benefit is critical, knowing that the retail sector changes faster and faster every day.
Of course, hundreds of new students join the Online Retail Mastery course every day, and many others leave reviews talking about the tremendous, unconventional value that he offers.
It would take us a long time to go over the countless features that Online Retail Mastery offers. The most highlighted ones include personal software, research tools, online groups, mastermind Skype calls, Amazon FBA templates, and software promotions.
Another key feature of Online Retail Mastery is that you will barely need to buy any tools because the program already includes everything you will ever need. That makes it quite helpful for beginners to have everything in one place and be ready to work.
- Alternative Technique to sell on Amazon FBA
- Learn how to find wholesale suppliers for branded products
- Learn legit tactics to sell on restricted categories on Amazon
- It is a complicated process for beginners
If you are looking to learn the basics and look around, you can buy introductory courses, such as the Dan Vas program. When you look to scale a big brand on Amazon, you may think of ASM11 or Proven Amazon Course V2.
If you are looking for unconventional tactics that are not necessarily Amazon FBA, consider joining the Beau Cravill course, Online Retail Mastery.
Again, decisions will depend on commitment and resources.
Remember that free content can only go so far. You may not get to your financial expectations as soon as you want unless you invest in your education. You can do it, but I would never recommend it.
As for my experience selling on Amazon, you will not see a huge difference when joining all these groups at once. The only thing that all these courses lack is the certainty that you will succeed because nobody knows.
Likewise, the timeline is relative to your level of commitment. If you manage to get to that level of mastery in FBA, you can make it within a few months after putting consistent work.
As for expert sellers, these courses will boost your eCommerce brands, teaching you how to launch three products on Amazon every month, so you can scale beyond the seven figures.
What Could You Expect From Amazon FBA?
Regardless of the business model, profitability is the result of positioning your business when the market demand is high, and the competition is fairly low. A few exceptions for this could be launching a product that never existed before, or using tactics to win in competitive markets.
In most cases, any product that is worth investing our time and money will have some sort of limitations. If there is a lot of competition, we will need to make some changes to ensure profits for many years, such as improving the product.
Because of the many new sellers joining Amazon every day, you should not expect to make money with a successful product for more than eight months using the traditional model.
The best courses recommend you to spend more upfront in making your offer different and better, especially if you make modifications to the product.
As a result, the products of your brand will be harder for competitors to replicate, which will grant you the best position in the niche if you grow fast enough.
Amazon FBA has always seemed overwhelming for beginners because of the many skills that you can master. Luckily, FBA is a step-oriented process that includes a mathematical formula to predict results.
Sure, you need to do a lot of research upfront, but you can predict with maximum precision whether your product will sell or not, even before ordering the inventory.
Lastly, many aspiring entrepreneurs dream of becoming millionaires, underestimating the work required for this process. You may think that all steps have the same priority, but 90% of the success chance comes from picking the product, and 9% comes from the product launch.
The fastest way to fail on Amazon FBA is to act without consideration. If you want to avoid looping in trial-and-error for years, purchase the right course and become one of the few people who reach financial freedom with Amazon eCommerce.
Closing Thoughts
Because of how quickly Amazon changes, most people cannot afford not to get an Amazon FBA course, investing in themselves.
Remember that practically everybody has bought some sort of course about the topic, which is why we have looked at the best five programs out there.
Now, which one is the best to succeed on Amazon quickly?
Everybody claims to have the best course on Earth, but nobody actually knows if it is going to work for you. In fact, you should choose one of these five courses depending on your situation and commitment level.
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- Amazon FBA Ninja Masterclass, Kevin David .
- Proven Amazon Course 2.0, Official Website.
- Amazing Selling Machine, Official Website.
- Amazon Freedom Course, Official Website.
- Online Retail Mastery, Official Website.