AutoResponder Reviews

A self-hosted auto-responder typically gives you the ability to install the meal software on your own without having another service do it for you. Third-party auto-responders are special services in which your software is run on other servers. If you’re newer to these services, then you’re advised to steer clear from self-hosted options, since they can be difficult to run and you can come into a variety of problems.

Top 5 Email AutoResponders

#1: GetResponse

Get Response is highly recommended for you to check out because it’s free to signup, and it’s able to help you grow not only your business in general, but also your audience overall. More specifically, Get Response gives you the option to sell your business’ products with a market software that’s extremely easy to use, since it’s able to do most of the work for you.

Best AutoResponders - GetResponse HomePage

In addition to that, Get Response offers landing pages, which is beneficial because they’re responsible for generating leads for you by basically taking over your webpage for you. You can also utilize funnels that help you completely build your marketing campaign altogether. Get Response also gives you the ability to work with multiple different clients on their specific marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, Get Response is classified as an email auto-responder service that’s beneficial for people that have larger businesses. For instance, this service is a marketing program that helps you not only create content regarding information about your business, but it also helps you increase your number of sales as well as the amount of people that traffic to your business’ website.


  • Increases your sales as well as the number of people that check out your website.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Offers landing page management.


  • Even though it’s free to signup, this service doesn’t come with a free trial.

Best AutoResponders - GetResponse

#2: Market Hero

This service is highly recommended for you to check out because it comes with a free trial that you can utilize in order to find out whether you like the services it offers or not. More specifically, you can signup for a free trial with Market Hero that lasts one month, and it gives you the ability to see whether these services are the best for your company as well as your subscribers.

Best AutoResponders - Market Hero HomePage

Not only that, but Market Hero also gives you the ability to integrate your autoresponder services with not only email, but also with Facebook Messenger as well. This is extremely beneficial for you because utilizing email in addition to Facebook Messenger opens up your audience to a wider variety of individuals. Not only that, but there are some people that open their Facebook Messenger apps and notifications more than they check their emails.

Market Hero also has more advanced sales tracking, since it’s able to track every sale and conversion that takes place throughout your business. Additionally, this service has a lead ROI calculation feature that gives you the ability to see ultimately how much every lead is. This helps you manage the estimated price of your business.


  • Gives you true long-term accuracy.
  • Comes with a free-trial that you can utilize and see whether you like their services.
  • Able to be integrated with Facebook Messenger in addition to emails.


  • More expensive than some of the other services.

Best AutoResponders - Market Hero

#3: Active Campaign

This service is highly recommended for you because it gives you the ability to send personalized emails to interested contacts in a few simple clicks. Not only that, but you can be notified when more personalized emails come through the software, and then create more personalized emails based on the previous ones sent.

Best AutoResponders - Active Campaign HomePage

Furthermore, Active Campaign gives you the ability to keep information regarding your business completely organized. For instance, you can keep all of the data about your customers organized, and then you can even have access to sales automation that helps you drive certain deals forward.


  • Gives you the ability to respond to customer behavior.
  • Offers a free trial.
  • Let’s you see exactly what your contacts desire.


  • Doesn’t offer landing page management.

Best AutoResponders - Active Campaign

#4: Aweber

Aweber is defined as an auto responder service that has allowed over one million entrepreneurs grow their businesses. They have services that are managed by experts that have been in the realm of email marketing for longer than most other people in the business. Aweber also offers a free trial that you can utilize for your convenience, since you can try out the service and see how well it works for your specific needs as well as the needs of your subscribers.

Best AutoResponders - Aweber HomePage

Furthermore, this service gives you the ability to build your brand, manage your lists of contacts, and it also helps you get to know your audience more personally, since it provides you with detailed analytics. After reviewing the analytics, you can then check and adjust your marketing and sales efforts according to how your contacts are responding to your information.

Even more than that, Aweber gives you the ability to connect your favorite tools, since you can connect your service with Aweber to other business systems that you may be using at the same time. Consequently, this is a great service if you have a larger business to manage.


  • Comes with a free trial.
  • Let’s you get to know your audience personally.
  • Allows you to send emails from practically any device


  • More expensive than some of the other services on the market

Best AutoResponders - Aweber

#5: ConvertKit

ConvertKit is classified as an auto-responder service that’s beneficial for creators specifically. More specifically, this service comes with an application that helps you easily manage your audience as well as your income from your business. With ConvertKit, you can easily customize the forms on your website in order to effectively turn random visitors to your site into long-term customers to your business.

Best AutoResponders - ConvertKit HomePage

Moreover, ConvertKit offers you landing page services in which they help you manage your webpage overall. You can get to know your website’s visitors personally, since you can tag customers based on their interests as well as their activity. By tagging your customers in group segments, you can then be able to send related messages to them at the right times according to their interests and recent activity.


  • Specifically made for creators.
  • Helps you grow your audience and income.
  • Allows you to understand your audience through tags and segments.


  • Doesn’t come with a free trial.
  • Can be complex and confusing.

Best AutoResponders - ConvertKit

Overall, each of these options has the ability to offer you a wide range of benefits. They all are capable of growing not only your website and subscriber count, but they allow your business to grow altogether. Given that, you should signup for an autoresponder.

They come with various different beneficial features, including a free trial period, the ability to do most of the work for you, and they even allow you to stay in touch with your prospects 24/7. More specifically, most auto-responders offer you a free trial period in which you. Can use their services for free before you decide to signup for it. This gives you the ability to decide whether you like the results of that service or not.

Additionally, auto responders do most of the work for you regarding your website management, which gives you the ability to sit back and watch your business grow. For instance, they have templates for you to make your email layout, content, and even your business sequences. Overall, they help you set up multi-media and marketing messages to your subscribers so that they can become more educated about your specific business.

Given that, you should signup for an autoresponder today. But it can still be difficult to choose the best option for your specific needs, even after reviewing this list. Because of that, you’re most recommended to check out Market Hero. Market Hero is able to understand your audience through tagging them in groups and segments. It also helps you increase your conversations with automated emails that feel more personalized than other services allow for.

Commonly Asked Questions

What Is an Autoresponder Service?

They are classified as online computer programs that you can signup for in order to have emails automatically sent out in response to certain emails that are sent to the specific program that you have. More specifically, it’s an online service that you can utilize in order to have your business’ newsletters sent out in email-from to people that have visited your website and subscribed to the service.

Overall, autoresponders are able to spread information about your business quickly and to a large amount of people. They are specifically helpful if you have a large subscriber list.

How Do You Use an Email Autoresponder?

In order to utilize an autoresponder, you should first choose a specific service that you’re satisfied with at first glance. After you choose a specific service, you should then set up a list. In order to do so, login to the product and create a list by entering your name as well as your business and website information.

When people are signed up for your list, they can then view this information. After that, you should add your first email and create your first message that you want your viewers to have access to. Once people subscribe for emails from your business, any further emails that you create beyond this point will then be sent to them.

Is Email Marketing Still Effective?

Yes. With technology rising and continuously becoming more efficient, some people think that emails aren’t as used. But this is wrong because emails are the basis to any large corporation or business. Given that, utilizing an autoresponder has the ability to make your business grow to larger sizes over time. Not only that, but they’re one of the most effective ways in allowing you to transfer your information to large groups of people effectively. You can learn more about it in this review.

How Can I Learn Email Marketing?

There are various different sites that contain large amount of information as well as videos that you can utilize in order to learn more about autoresponders. You can find these websites on Google or other popular search engines. Other than that, you can learn about specific services by visiting their websites in particular.

Not only that, but some of these auto responders also give you an learning course online when you signup for their service. This not only helps you learn about using autoresponder services in general, but it also helps you learn about the specific service that you’re currently using.

What Type of Information Should I Include Within My Autoresponder?

The type of information that you choose to include typically depends on what information you’re willing to provide. More specifically, you can include information about your business in blog posts, spreadsheets, or even eBooks in your auto-responder. But you should keep in mind that you shouldn’t include too much information, since most people will lose interest quickly if they’re immediately bombarded with too much information.

Not only that, but you may find it helpful to include more charts and pictures as a way to spread information. This prevents people from unsubscribing from your newsletter.

How Long Should a Series of Autoresponder Emails Be?

It depends on some different factors, such as your business as a whole, your audience, as well as the type of autoresponder. More specifically, if there is a a large amount of information regarding your business as a whole, then you may want a longer series of emails. Not only that, but your specific business size should predicate how much information is needed to spread to uneducated people.

For instance, if you have a larger business, then you likely have a larger amount of information to spread about your company to other people. Not only that, but you want everyone in your subscriber count to receive the full amount of information about your company. Because of that, you may require more emails in your autoresponder series than someone with a smaller company and lesser information.

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