Billy Gene Marketing Review

Do you frequent websites like YouTube or Facebook, spending countless of hours browsing them? Well, if you're anything like me, then you've been exposed to advertiser after advertiser all fighting for your attention. One notorious face you may have seen is Billy Gene Shaw, founder of Billy Gene is Marketing.

Billy Gene is Marketing opts for a more creative method to promote himself, utilizing comedic tactics to get the point across.

Now, admittedly, his ads can become intrusive due to the high number of times you can see him in various scenarios over the course of a single YouTube video. This may compel you to consider a number of factors.

Is this actually legit or is it a scam? How do actual users really feel about having used his program?

So that you have some insight, we took a deep look at Billy Gene is Marketing, addressing everything the program has to offer as well as highlighting both the benefits and disadvantages. By the end of our review, you should have a better idea as to whether this is the right program for you to invest in.

All About Billy Gene Is Marketing

Billy Gene - Traffic Tsunami

Billy Gene

What Is It?

This was originally founded by Billy back in 2015. It serves as an online marketing education course. According to the company's tagline, they teach entrepreneurs to turn “clicks into customers”.

It focuses on providing local business owners and other entrepreneurs how the tools to generate more sales through effective marketing. This is done through the use of ads on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

How Does it Work?

When you check out the website, one of the first things you may notice is The School of GENEius.

Claimed to be one of the most powerful online training courses for social media advertising, the School is intended for serious business owners and entrepreneurs looking to improve the overall scale of their business.

Within The School of GENEius, you will experience the following courses:

Live Training Sessions

On a weekly basis, you'll receive training sessions with Billy. He addresses your personal campaign, and he also focuses on a variety of topics such as sales training.

Support Sessions

These support sessions occur daily, and they are in the form of small groups. Expert teams assist your sales technique, your ads across multiple platforms, technical questions, and more. You can also share your screen with the group if you wish.

Step-By-Step Classes

You get access to a full library of courses as well as Clicks into Customers 2.0.

In-House Team Support

Beyond the daily support sessions, you will receive additional support via email or chat. This is unlimited as you can use it every day.

Semi-Annual Meet-Ups

Here you can mingle and network with likeminded individuals as well as industry elites.

Template Database

If you're looking for concrete examples, this is where you'll find the company's tested ads on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. You can view dozens of campaigns, videos, images, and more.

Who Can Benefit the Most?

Billy Gene is Marketing is open enough that people from various backgrounds can take advantage of it. If you check any of the following options, then perhaps this is an online marketing educational course you might want to look into:

  • Entrepreneurs and local business owners with a drive for improving their internet marketing.
  • People with a budget of more than $100-$200 a month set aside just for marketing purposes. You should also have enough money to sign up and get the right software for ads.
  • People with the time available to properly participate in all the course has to offer.

To further address the price, this is no cheap course. In fact, you're spending just under $8,000 for a year membership with the program.

This definitely looks like an online marketing course designed for those who already have enough money to spend rather than true start-ups who may have a tighter budget.

Is it Credible?

If you need some peace of mind, rest assured that this online course is certainly not a scam. There are true success stories out there that you can follow up on, hundreds of solid businesses that mention how useful the program was.

However, there are still some complaints by students that deserve to be addressed. One of the biggest issues is the pricing. It is truly an expensive endeavor for advertising, and one that many small businesses and entrepreneurs cannot justify spending that much money on.

Billy Gene Is it Credible - Traffic Tsunami

In addition, some students have voiced concerns about the teaching practices being too lighthearted and lacking actionable advice. Considering how comical, yet to-the-point, Billy's ads are, it's no surprise that type of ads wouldn't work for all users.

Nevertheless, the course is still legit as many companies have praised it for helping them gain success.

Worth It?

In short, this is a legitimate company. It aims to provide tools so local business owners and entrepreneurs can improve their ads and marketing strategy on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

If you sign up, there is something to do every day from the group sessions to the weekly live interaction with Billy.

At the same time, all of the training does seem to lack a good deal of focus. In general, that wouldn't be too big of a deal, but the price of this program scales thousands of dollars. You can receive much of the same information from simply browsing the internet for free.

Granted, Billy does know how to make an impression, and if you're interested in that sort of advertisement and marketing strategy, then by all means test out the program. Just keep in mind that there may be better options out there at far more affordable rates.

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