CB Passive Income Reviews

The field of Internet marketing is filled with gurus and people promising to show you the way, so to speak.

The nature of this industry makes it hard for beginners to know whether or not they're on the right track, and the more experienced folks know it. There is no traditional guidance or way to do things. You're all on your own.

CB Passive Income Review

As a result, courses and mentorships are always in demand when it comes to Internet businesses. For beginners, the tough part is not finding a course to get them started, but finding one that actually works.

All of this sounds very relatable, doesn't it? You've been there, I've been there, the people making these courses have probably been there. Even your neighbor most likely has been there.

That's why reviews are such an important tool for aspiring Internet marketers. Reading other people's thoughts can help you determine if the product is really what's advertised. Nobody should fall prey to an outdated or straight-up scammy course.

In this review, we'll be looking at the CB Passive Income course by Patric Chan. Let's take apart what he has to offer and see if the course lives up to the promise.

CB Passive Income Review

The Promise

Chan promises to deliver a method in which you will only have to do ONE task to start earning passive income. That's right, he promises that you will only need to do one thing to wake up with money the next day.

CB Passive Income Review

Coming up with a product idea, creating your own product sales page, writing copy for sales, producing content, doing your own research… none of that is needed. You can forget about the hard work, because he's got your back. Or so does he claim.

If that sounds a little too good to be true, you've got more than enough reason to believe that. Chan is basically saying that you can skip all the hard work and get straight to prize. But does that really work in the real world?

Let's explore the course further and see what's it all about. Perhaps Chan is onto something, or maybe not.

The Course

If you buy CB Passive Income, you'll get access to a content page with several modules. The welcome page seems decent enough, with content to view and some checklists before starting off. Pretty good so far.

The first major noticeable thing about this course is the narration. The sales page of this course featured and American speaker. However, Chan narrates most of his course, and he is not a native English speaker. In fact, he's quite hard to understand sometimes.

CB Passive Income Review

Of course, this makes learning the course's content harder. Not a good look for a beginner. This is a small hurdle that a driven person can get over, though. But what does Chan teach you, anyway?

Well, as I previously said, he promises to completely hop over setting up the actual venture. Instead of covering that, he jumps straight into this one thing. The one key to easy success in Internet marketing.

Put simply, his one thing is obtaining traffic. That's what his course is centered around. He tells you that the way to make his course worth it is to drive traffic to the personalized links the course offers you.

CB Passive Income Review

If you have experience with Internet marketing, you can probably see where this is going. Since you're not creating the offers yourself, the offers must have been made by someone else. The links you will be driving traffic to are, of course, Chan's own sale pages.

Patric Chan is using his students to drive traffic to his own offers. The way his customers can make money is by driving traffic into his sale pages, which in return gets them to receive a commission via clickbank.

This is a legitimate way for Chan to grow his business, but it's not exactly an honest one. He is not helping beginners succeed in Internet marketing nearly as much as he is helping himself and his business.

CB Passive Income Review

Again, Chan's course is not a scam, but it certainly gets close to that line. It's the eternal get-rich-quick model. The course contains little substance, as the whole building your own business part is completely skipped over.

Even the little content which is supposed to be educational fails to provide much guidance at all. Chan will show you places where you can get traffic from such as YouTube and Solo ads, but he never explains how you're supposed to do that.

Learning to drive traffic is one of the hardest things about Internet marketing, and Patric Chan gives you next to no guidance on it. There is only one thing he promised to teach you, and he does a terrible job at it.

CB Passive Income Review

If you venture to learn how to do so on your own, you'll find that it's a lot harder than what he led you to believe. It'll probably be costly as well, and make you waste more than your fair share days working.

Think YouTube ads. The ads themselves cost money to purchase, and you probably won't experience success with the first few ones. You'll have to spend your time researching your target audience, then you'll have to patiently test several campaigns to improve your results.

After all of that, most of the fruits of your hard work will go to someone else's campaign. Someone who didn't deliver on what he promised and left you to dry on your own. Is that worth it?

Upselling Shenanigans

It should be pretty clear by now that I don't have a very high opinion of this course. I've been mostly talking about what it can bring to beginners because experienced people might already have an idea of what I'm talking about. A person who knows how online campaigns work knows that Chan's course is a farce.

CB Passive Income Review

What's worse, Jacob attempts to further take advantage of people by employing an upselling tactic with his course. Yes, this is also a legitimate strategy, but it's anything but good-natured.

If you or somebody you know purchased Jacob Chan's course and had no success with it, don't even consider purchasing the “pro” version. Chan makes it very hard to ignore this offer, as he markets this “upgrade” as being what makes the product truly worth it.

CB Passive Income Review

The Pro version of his course is much of the same. As some wise Internet marketer once said: “There is no such thing as push button software that makes money.” If someone tries to convince you otherwise, chances are they're trying to swindle you.

There IS one takeaway which you can take from Chan's course, though. The takeaway is the power effective marketing can have on people. By catering to people's desire to find an easy way to make money, Jacob Chan has found a way to make money from amateurs while also growing his ventures.

Chan isn't the first person to do this, nor will he be the last. Although he's not a shining example of a good Internet marketer, even CB Passive income has a handful of lessons to be found. You take what you can and leave everything else behind.

Bottom Line

Unfortunately, Chan's course is one of those offers that's dressed up in pretty ornaments but has no actual substance when it comes down to it. Someone looking to learn Internet marketing will find nothing useful about this course.

More experienced people looking for a new strategy to make some profits won't find anything worthwhile in this course, either. The course tries to obfuscate the (arguably) most important truth about Internet businesses: you can't skip the hard work.

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