Facebook Ads University Review

We all know that since Facebook’s inception 14 years ago, the platform has really taken the world by storm. A vast number of people living in this modern, digital world have a Facebook account. Most of us are all guilty of being active users that check our accounts on a daily basis and with regular time intervals.

With more than a hundred million people on Facebook, it is crystal clear that there are many opportunities for us businessmen or entrepreneurs to use this social media platform to increase the amounts on our bottom lines. As a result, Facebook Ads is currently one of the hottest and trendiest ways to promote our brands on cyberspace. In fact, most successful business owners are known for running Facebook Ads to promote their goods and services.

Now, the primary question is: Do you know how to use Facebook Ads in the correct way that will be beneficial for your business? Some people actually do fail and end up wasting a lot of money on these Facebook Ads because they do not know how to use this method properly. This is where Facebook Ads University comes in because it was established to help you successfully navigate the world of Facebook Advertising.

Why Consider Facebook Ads University?

Facebook Ads University Review

This Facebook Ads University was specifically crafted to help advertising newbies and pros like you to learn about the Facebook Ad program, so that you can maximize all its components to help serve your business. This premium course is around $1,000 and was created by JR Fisher. Its main goal is to help transform you into a successful Facebook Advertiser that can evolve swiftly from FB Ads newbie to a FB veteran in record time.

This training course will help you by giving you tips on how to successfully run your Facebook Ads Campaigns. The topics covered are intensive ranging from the Audience, Targeting Option, Landing Page, Ad Copy, and more.

If you do end up purchasing the Facebook Ads University program, they will give you four bonus softwares. These have been created to help save you time, resources, and energy in doing your own research on how to get things done efficiently. This teaches you how to master this powerful channel that is capable of generating paid traffic and driving numerous visitors to your business, both online and brick-and-mortar.

Who Is the Target Clientele of the Facebook Ads University Program?

This program has been crafted for any marketer with any experience. Newbies looking to learn, as well as professionals looking to enhance their skills will benefit from taking the course. Even Ecommerce and Product Launch agencies stand to gain from this endeavor. It is, of course, most useful for anyone with an existing business like you, as it will work wonders in increasing your client base which in turn will increase your company’s profits.

Since this will require a sign up fee to get into the program, only someone with extra money can participate in the program. Those who are struggling with their monthly expenses may find it a bit difficult to fork out the funds. However, those who are really desperate and no longer want to waste money on Facebook Ads, but actually need this platform for their business promotion, can choose to charge the course to their credit card because the fee is really just minimal and this course can be considered a great investment.

What Are the Main Features of Facebook Ads University?

Facebook Ads University Review

Now, let’s get down to how exactly this Facebook Ads University works, so we can help you decide if this is indeed the right course for you. The part we will be discussing is the paid course which requires a member to log-in. Let’s get started:

The Introduction

The Facebook Ads University starts with an introduction phase where the creator will brief you on the potentials of using Facebook Ads and why it is critical for you to leverage it for your business. Stats like the following will be mentioned:

  • 82% of Facebook users have attended some college level class, which will give you an idea about your audience.
  • 400 new people sign up for Facebook every minute.
  • Every 60 seconds there are 317,000 status updates, 147,000 uploaded photos, and 54,000 shared links.

On top of that, this will give you a budget break down on why it is cost-efficient to do this method. The content says you must never start with more than $5 a day for your Facebook Ads, which costs just as much as your daily dose of designer coffee. The kind of ad set up you choose will ultimately depend on your goals.

You are given an overview of the course in this segment along with the concept of Dropshipping. The introduction will also emphasize that you will need a mind set before running any advertising campaign.

The Modules

The Facebook Ads University Program is then divided into several modules. JR Fisher crafted the lessons in a way that they are easy to understand and apply. You just need to read several instructions and click on the appropriate tabs that are applicable.

The whole course covers several different topics that will make you a skilled Facebook Ad maker at the end of the program. You have the capability of crafting great ads that target the right set of people with the perfect selection of keywords that will work wonders for your business. All of these will work hand-in-hand for the quick approval and success of your crafted Facebook Ads.

Take a look below to see the different topics that this course will offer you. The very insightful program will cover all bases to help newbies get a better grasp of the program, at the same time, it gives experience marketers more insight so they can boost their skill set.

Set up Pixel by Putting Code on Your Site

This lesson discusses about Facebook Pixel and how you can set it up in the correct manner. It will explain the purpose of Pixel and why it is critical to include this on your site. The course provides a successful formula for you to follow like finding successful company competitors, checking their site, reviewing their pixels, choosing their offers, buying their products, and the like.

The Importance of Targeting

The course emphasizes that to be successful with Facebook Ads, you have to know who to target. This module will help you zero in on your primary audience, so you can maximize your resources on the right people who can work wonders for your company.

This segment will teach you how to find audiences, research audiences, and then how to target them. It covers things like interests, size, profiles, etc.

Running a Real Campaign

The next lesson will teach you the anatomy of a real Facebook Ads campaign, so you can really see how everything works. On top of that, the creator of Facebook Ads University, JR Fisher will give you concrete examples of Facebook Ads that have worked for him and given his business a lot of success.

He teaches you how to test your ads before you scale them by setting up multiple AdSet options. Find the most successful and convert these, so you won’t waste your budget. You will also be shown the landing page where you drive ads.

Ad Automation and Ad Funnels

The course teaches you how to automate ads that you’ve made money with, allowing you to scale an ad and lower your ad budget. Additional information on how to optimize your audience base is also taught, along with other tactics like free shipping offers, dropshipping, and the like. Then you will realize the value of using different ad funnels to generate more sales from your various offerings.

Niche Product Specific Ad

This module focuses on all things about niches and their offers. You will be taught the requirements of creating an Ad Copy and how to to workout this out with your Landing Page. Softwares like Sniply and Social Video Ad Maker will also be introduced.

Scaling Ads for ROI

A special lesson that discusses scaling ads is an important module of the Facebook Ads University program. This is critical for getting terrific results with your ads, and then scaling those ads so you can make more money.

You are assured that you can stop worrying about what works from scratch again, but instead you are taught how to retarget. You will be given directives on how to use the Creative Hub and you will be shown the different types of ads, so you can pick the right one that will give you a return on your investment.

This is the overall recap of the entire Facebook Ads University Training session. Apart from this, you will receive a weekly coaching call. There is also a weekly Question and Answer included with your paid membership.

Pros & Cons

As with any product available in the market, Facebook Ads University comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Take a look at them below.


  • Lessons are easy to comprehend and quick to apply.
  • Gives very practical and concrete strategies.
  • Provides access to four premium software for free.
  • Shows real live ad campaigns.
  • Comes with weekly coaching and questions to keep you on your toes.


  • The price may be prohibitive for others.

Bottom Line

The Facebook Ads University is actually a good training program for any business owner or internet marketer who wants to increase their sales and generate more traffic to their businesses. With easy lessons and valuable strategies, anyone will be able to understand and benefit from this course. You will be able to avoid bad campaigns, but instead, you will develop the skills to craft better ads that work, saving you time, money, and effort.

Facebook Ads University Review

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