Fred Lam Review

I first heard about drop shipping a little over a year ago. At the time, I was desperate for cash and wanted to find another way to make money. Living paycheck-to-paycheck just wasn’t working for me anymore; and honestly, it never worked for me.

Living paycheck-to-paycheck never really works for anyone because living life like that isn’t living; it’s just surviving.

If you’re unfamiliar with what drop shipping is, it is a form of retail. Drop shippers earn money by purchasing products then reselling them at an increased price. Drop shippers can make some serious cash, and it can all be made from the comfort of their own homes.

Fred Lam is an entrepreneur who managed to create $40 million in revenue from multiple business ventures.

His journey started from humble beginnings as a dishwasher, and from those beginnings, he learned the importance of giving back and lending a helping hand to other people to help them build their own successful businesses too.

This Fred Lam review is honest and in-depth. I am just someone who at one point wanted to make more money so that I could live a fuller and more comfortable life, just like you.

What is the #DailyHuddle?

The #DailyHuddle is Fred’s FREE online series that explores questions posed by #DailyHuddle members or followers.

Daily Huddle Logo

If you have an e-commerce, Shopify, or drop shipping-related question for Fred, then you can ask him to answer it by filling out a quick form that is linked in the description box of his #DailyHuddle YouTube videos.

Fred selects five questions to answer daily, and his responses can be viewed on his YouTube channel, Fred Lam, or you can view them of on his website by clicking #DailyHuddle in the top-right corner of his website’s home screen.

Starting From Zero

Starting From Zero is a guide to creating your own online e-commerce business. Starting from Zero has eight chapters and is over 160 pages.

Starting from Zero is for complete beginners to the world of online retail, and it provides in-depth directions so that you can easily follow them along.

To help you better understand everything that you’ll learn if you read Fred Lam’s eBook Starting From Zero, we will break down each of the eight chapters and provide you with a brief summary of everything they detail.

Chapter 1: “The 30,000 Foot Overview”

Chapter 1 of Starting From Zero explores Fred Lam’s rags-to-riches story and provides a brief summary of his Five-Step System to Success. According to Lam, following his Five-Step System to Success does not require any prior knowledge or experience.

He states that his 5-Step system will guide you on your way to generating a profitable business, and all you need to succeed is the desire to do so.

The five steps of Lam’s system are as follows:

  • Create An online Store.
  • Gather Inventory.
  • Direct Targeted Visitors to Your Website/Online Store.
  • Multiply your Profits.
  • Rinse and Repeat.

Chapter 2: “Your Opportunity Within The Falling Empire of Retailers”

Chapter 2 of Starting From Zero explains why e-commerce is such a profitable business opportunity. In this chapter, Fred Lam describes how traditional retail is falling out of favor while the modern-era of online retail is growing in popularity and profitability.

He specifically mentions Amazon’s role in e-commerce becoming more popular and explains why he did e-commerce is right for everyone.

Chapter 3: “The Digital Goldmine Opportunity”

Chapter 3 of Starting From Zero dives deeper into the discussion on e-commerce, and details how to select your niche for your products and secure your domain. It also covers how to build up your brand.

Chapter 4: “The Wizard Behind E-Commerce”

Chapter 4 of Starting From Zero provides on tutorial on Shopify and breaks down how PayPal works. This chapter is where you’ll really begin to get a better understanding on how your online retail business will work.

Chapter 5: “The Inventory Arbitrage”

Chapter 5 of Starting From Zero will explain to you how to build up your inventory. This chapter will help you to understand the importance of pricing your goods at a high enough margin to ensure that you gain a profit with each sale.

This chapter also helps you learn how to ship your goods to your customers.

Chapter 6: “‘Build It and They Will Come’ is False”

Chapter 6 of Starting From Zero breaks down the importance of getting traffic to your online store. Traffic is another way of saying visitors, and having people visit your online store is important.

This chapter breaks down three ways you can generate traffic to your store:

  • Social Media.
  • Email.
  • Facebook Advertising.

Chapter 7: “The Magical Alignment of Your Buyers”

Chapter 7 of Starting From Zero goes into a little bit more detail about driving traffic to your store. Specifically, this chapter covers driving targeted traffic to your store.

Which would you rather have if you had an online hunting store, 100 visitors who are members of PETA or another animal rights groups or 10 visitors who are members of the National Wild Turkey Federation or another hunting organization?

Sure, on paper 100 visitors seems better than only 10, but when you factor in the type of visitors, suddenly that group of 10 is a lot more desired than the group of 100.

The example scenario demonstrated above explains the concept of targeted versus untargeted traffic well. The goal of bringing traffic to your website is to sell product.

Unfortunately, some drop shippers fail to properly distinguish between the two types of traffic: targeted traffic (visitors who are more likely to buy your products) and untargeted traffic (just people stopping by).

Having more traffic to your site doesn’t mean much if your visitors aren’t likely to buy anything. Like most things in life, the quality of your traffic is much more important than the quantity of it.

Chapter 8: “Scaling Up to Multi-Millions”

Chapter 8 of Starting From Zero discusses building your brand further and diversifying your product line.

This chapter of the eBook covers what you need to do once you’ve started gaining success with your online store so that you can capitalize off of your hard work completely.

What is Zero Up?

Zero Up is Fred Lam’s system of tools and resources to help other people build a successful online drop shipping business. It provides e-commerce training and is a drop shipping course.

Zero Up Logo

The complete Zero Up system will help you establish a 100% compliant online store and build an entire sales funnel without any coding skills being necessary.

Fred Lam’s Zero Up system will also help you be able to automatically track and fulfill orders without having to hire extra manual labor, and it will teach you how to increase your value per sale instantly with a built-in one-click profit multiplier.

With Zero Up, you will also get the following things:

Instant access to Zero Up Lab

With access to the Zero Up lab, you will be able to build your e-commerce store without previous experience and with just a few clicks of a button.

Enrollment into Fred Lam’s Zero Up Masters Program

With access to this program, you can watch of Fred Lam’s shoulders as he builds and expands his own profitable e-commerce business.

Knowledge of the top 100 fastest selling products

With this list of products, you’ll be able to select a a product from a niche market that you’ll know will sell. This takes the guesswork and removes some of the risk out of starting up your own business.

Notes on the “Blueprint to Attracting Buyers”

With this blueprint, Fred Lam asserts you’ll become an expert in generating targeted traffic to your store from Facebook, Google, Bing, and More.

Entrance into the Starting From Zero Boot Camp

Entrance into this boot camp means you’ll gain access into Fred Lam’s private Facebook community where you’ll be able to interact with other members of the Zero Up program. You’ll also be able to directly ask Fred Lam questions about your business.

Personal Coaching

Fred Lam will personally look over your business and help you generate your first sale if you fail to do so within 60 days of launching your business.

Is Zero Up Worth It? The Pros and Cons of the Program

The Zero Up program costs 3 payments of $597 or a single payment of $1,497. Zero Up certainly has its perks, but it isn’t with its flaws.

Starting From Zero - Fred Lam

Fred Lam focuses on advertising on Facebook, and while Facebook is certainly the largest platform right now, other social media sites like YouTube and Instagram are catching on and gaining steam.

Unfortunately, Fred Lam does not explore how to market or advertise on these websites which could leave you at a disadvantage against competition who are familiar with advertising on those platforms.

Additionally, while there is certainly money to be made in drop shipping, it is an unreliable form of income that can have expensive start-up costs since you have to buy your inventory before your first sales are even made.

Fred Lam’s Zero Up program also falls short in explaining how to market and advertise your brand or products via free means.

While purchasing advertisements can surely take you a long way, knowing how to advertise your brand for little-to-know costs could take you even further. Yet, Fred doesn’t teach you how in his program.

Still, Fred Lam’s Zero Up program should not be immediately dismissed because what it does teach, it teaches well.

Final Verdict

Fred Lam is a Hong Kong native who moved to Vancouver, Canada, at a young age. He grew up with two siblings, and his mother worked tirelessly to provide for herself and her three children.

Fred Lam

To help provide more income in his household, Fred turned to the internet. He turned to the internet for income as Google AdWords was coming out in the early 2000s. He then transitioned to Facebook ads and drop shipping in 2008.

What makes Fred Lam’s Zero Up program worthwhile is Fred’s experience. He has done everything he is teaching others to do. He has walked the walk, and now he is passing on everything he has learned in the process.

His eBook Starting From Zero and his e-commerce training program Zero Up are both incredible tools to use if you are interested in creating your own Shopify store to drop ship products.

There is freedom in being your own boss, Fred Lam’s Zero Up program can help you be more successful than if you try to take the journey on your own.

If you are tired of just surviving, and you want to actually live, then check out Fred Lam and his Zero Up program. It may just be the best decision you ever make.

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