Harlan Kilstein Review

If you’re reading this article, then you’re probably someone who, like me, wants to know a lot about a product before buying it. A product can cost $5, and I will still read or watch numerous customer reviews about it and its competitors before choosing to commit my money to it.

I think it’s important to know whether a product does what it says it will before buying it.

This is completely different from my mother who will buy just about anything without bothering to read a single customer review. It’s honestly mind boggling.

I think people should also be reviewed, especially if they are selling something. It’s important to know who you’re giving your time to and who you’re trusting with your money.

This article is my review of Harlan Kilstein. I am not a friend of Harlan’s or associated with him in any way. I am just someone who came across an article about his course Magic Pages and decided to learn about the man behind program.

Who is Harlan? Is Magic Pages effective? What is this Completely Keto website people are talking about? If you want to know the answers to these questions and more, then just keep reading.

Harlan Kilstein – His Journey to Business

Harlan is more than a businessman, he is a dog lover and husband who has a doctorate in education (Ed.D). He did post-graduate work at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, and his doctoral dissertation research studied the effects of hypnotic language of student attentiveness.

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Harlan Kilstein

Prior to working in marketing and advertising, where he is now a leading copywriter, Dr. Kilstein worked at his own hypnosis clinics. His interest in hypnosis can be trailed to his participation in the anti-cult movement.

Because Dr. Kilstein opposes cults, he wanted to understand how the brain processes information. This led to him studying Neuro-linguistic Programming which eventually led to his passion for hypnosis.

Dr. Kilstein’s involvement in marketing and advertising began out of necessity. Kilstein’s hypnosis franchises needed customers, and newspaper advertisements was the only way he could get them. Failure was not an option for Dr. Kilstein, so he studied.

Dr. Harlan Kilstein studied Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, basically the greats in copywriting and advertising, and soon his efforts were well rewarded.

Then the unexpected happened—The owner of Kilstein’s hypnosis franchises wanted uniformity and shut down Dr. Kilstein’s advertising methods.

So Dr. Kilstein did what he could in that situation, he closed his hypnosis franchises and began to work as a full-time copywriter where is experience and knowledge of Neuro-Linguistic Programming have served him well.

He currently does not take many new clients. Instead, he spends his time teaching growth strategies to owners and CEOs of 7, 8, and 9 figure businesses.

Dr. Kilstein’s Other Projects

Completely Keto and The Ketosis Training Institute

Completely Keto is a website and Facebook page started by Dr. Kilstein after he began following the keto diet in 2017. Kilstein’s website Completely Keto features numerous original keto-friendly recipes such as his keto breakfast shake, his speed keto fajitas, and his keto pumpkin soup.

Dr. Kilstein has written three books to help people with the keto diet: Completely Keto Cookbook, Completely Keto Cheesecake Recipes, and Speed Ketosis.

Dr. Kilstein offers ketosis training. His training methods involve motivating his clients to recognize their potential so that they can fulfill their goals and optimize their developments. He provides support, knowledge, and advice, and he does so with the goal of helping others change lives.

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Harlan’s Ketosis Training Institute trains people to become keto coaches. The training program lasts for 6 months, and neither a teaching nor a coaching background is needed.

The Ketosis Training Institute Curriculum

The curriculum for Kilstein’s coaching program has 18 sections that are all dedicated to helping potential coaches develop the skills necessary to run successful keto training programs or businesses.

The 18 sections of the curriculum are as follows:

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The 18 sections of the curriculum are as follows:

  • The Key to Client Success
  • The Keto Coach
  • How to Laser focus on Your Clients
  • The Client Interview
  • Getting Your Clients Started
  • The Money Month
  • Tools for Coaches
  • Meal Planning
  • Empowering the Client
  • Keto in the Real World
  • Dealing With Self Sabotage
  • Dealing With Families
  • Client Stalls and What to Do About Them
  • Helping Your Clients Change
  • Ultimate Client Success
  • Referral Marketing
  • Your Coaching Business
  • Evaluation and Certification

Magic Pages

As mentioned above, Magic Pages is a course that Kilstein created to help people drive customers to their web pages. Dr. Kilstein’s experience in education really comes to hand in his course as it helps to cover complex topics simply.

Kilstein is able to guide students through the course with ease, and he uses his humor to make subjects easily digestible and relatable. In short, his course is friendly and easy for the average person to follow.

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Aside from being easy to digest, Kilstein’s course is also innovative as he flips the switch on topics and ideas that others saw as being set in stone.

For example, Harlan Kilstein argues in his course that focusing your attention on driving traffic to your site is a waste of time.

Kilstein’s idea that indiscriminately driving traffic to your website is not only unnecessary but also counterproductive is revolutionary and goes against the traffic at all costs teachings of other course creators.

However, it makes sense, and he explains his position well as he breaks down the importance of creating and fostering a devoted audience.

Dr. Kilstein also goes against the SEO-obsessed crowd by saying that you don’t have to drive yourself crazy worrying about SEO-friendly content to have a successful website.

The Dogington Post

The Dogington Post is a passion project for Harlan. A dog owner and lover himself, Kilstein created The Dogington Post to share stories and information about dogs.

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Kilstein’s dog-focused website discusses how to care for your furry friends and provides information on basic training and behavior modification. It also provides information about adopting a barking buddy and covers detailed information about dog law.

The Dogington Post also has a section that alerts readers about recalls that affect their fluffy pets. As a result of ts thorough knowledge and in-depth articles, The Dogington Post has become a leading voice and trusted authority on dog care.


Haraln Kilstein is a man who wears many hats. His journey to his success today took some twists and turns, but at the foundation of it all is Kilstein’s drive to learn and grow.

Kilstein became a leading copywriter in the fields of marketing and advertising because he was determined not to fail. He wanted to grow his hypnosis business, and he did.

Once he was stifled there, rather than going with the punches and laying low, Kilstein decided to stand u and fight back in a big way. He closed down his hypnosis offices and decided to make a name for himself in the field he had learned to master: copywriting.

From there, Kilstein built numerous successful websites and created multiple brands that are still going strong today.

If you are considering getting his Magic Pages course, then go ahead. There is sure to be many things that you will learn from Dr. Harlan Kilstein.

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