Instapage Details

When I first created my online business, I felt like a fish swimming without any direction. I felt like I was throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck. I didn’t know much about building an audience or catering my advertising to each of them individually.

The first few months of my business was a whirlwind. Someone recommended to me that I should check out Instapage. I was hesitant and unsure whether I would be able to use it. I felt overwhelmed and thought “there is no way I’ll be able to figure this all out.”

Despite my worries, I decided to take a leap of faith and trust that I could use Instapage and improve my reach with my audience.

If you’re here reading this article, you’re likely interested in turning to Instapage to help take your business dreams to the next level. This is my honest review of Instapage and everything I think you should know before taking the plunge.

This service offers numerous services that can help you maximize your advertising performance.

They also provide numerous resources you can use to better understand the ins and outs of digital advertising and marketing if you are unfamiliar with their primary components.

What is Instapage?

In a nutshell, Instapage is a solution businesses can use to maximize their ad conversions and improve the efficiency of their landing pages. They offer five services split between two plan options.

What Services Do Instapage Offer?

AdMap is a service offered by Instapage that allows you to envision your advertising campaigns and simply connect your ads to the post-click landing pages of your choice.

An image of Instapage Services Admap

Their landing page services will help you to create customized post-click landing pages that are optimized for ad conversions while also being mobile-responsive, and Instapage will help you build these personalized landing pages without a developer in only a matter of minutes.

The 1:1 ad-to-page personalization services are designed to help you create highly-personalized and customizable landing page experiences to your entire digital audience. Instapage’s 1:1 ad-to-page personalization services are scalable, and they increase conversions.

The experimentation services help you to take control of your advertising conversion rates by allowing you to precisely test and analyze the behavior of your website’s visitors.

Instapage understands that if you’re turning to them for digital advertising and marketing help, your business may be big enough that you have a team of people working behind the scenes to keep it going. That is why they offer their collaboration service which is designed to make your team’s landing page processes easier.

How Does Post-Click Automation Improve Ad Conversions?

Before I can explain how PCA (Post-Click Automation) can improve your ad conversions, you first need to know what it is. PCA is a type of marketing strategy that allows marketers to automate post-click stage in the advertising funnel.

An image of Instapage Post Click Automation

Now that we know what post-click automation is, let’s break down the four primary components of PCA that allows it to maximize and improve advertising conversions.

The Four Main Components of Post-Click Automation

Ad Mapping

Ad mapping is a scalable post-click personalization feature that allows you to automatically lay out or “map” which ads will appear after specific post-click experiences.

This component of PCA is crucial to improving your ad conversions because it is the first step in automating your post-click experiences for your audience.To ad map your advertising campaigns mean to visualize your ad campaigns first in order to determine how many personalized landing page experiences you’ll need so that you can intuitively link your ads to the relevant landing page experiences of your choice.


The second component of post-click automation is creating scaled post-click landing pages that are on brand. You do this by using page blocks that are reusable and able to be updated globally, or you can use expertly-designed templates.

This component of PCA allows you to increase the speed and efficiency of your ad campaigns while using fewer resources and spending less money.


This component of post-click automation helps you to improve your ad conversions by strengthening your relationship to your audience.

Instapage uses their 1:1 ad-to-page personalization service to help you deliver personalized post-click landing page experiences to every member of your audience.

This process of sending ads to personalized post-click landing pages has shown to increase the advertising conversion rates of past Instapage customers by up to 58%.


The final component of post-click automation is optimizing your ad conversions by analyzing your audience and visitor behavior via A/B testing and heatmaps.

The information you receive from measuring and testing your visitor’s behaviors can then be used to help you learn the best ways to advertise to them and improve your ad conversion rates.

Which Plan is Best for Me?

Instapage offers two plan options: Business and Enterprise. The business plan will likely be the one you will need, especially when you first start using this service.

The Instapage Business plan provides everything you should need to start building your post-click landing page experiences and optimizing them for higher ad conversion rates.

There are 18 features included with the Business plan:

  • Postclick Score
  • AdMap™
  • #1 Landing Page Builder
  • Thor Render Engine™ (Speed Boost)
  • Instablocks™
  • Multi-Step Forms
  • Server-Side A/B Testing
  • Heatmaps
  • Conversion Analytics
  • Dynamic Text Replacement
  • Zapier Integration
  • Salesforce Integration
  • Marketo Integration
  • HubSpot Integration
  • SSL Encryption
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Page Redirects
  • Google Single Sign-On (SSO)

The Business plan is for those with 30,000 or less unique viewers per month. It also comes with 30 personalized published landing page experiences, five team members, and five subaccounts.

You can try all of the features included in Instapage’s Business plan free for two weeks! The free trial can be used with up to 2,500 unique visitors.

If you exceed the 2,500 unique visitors limit during the 14-day free trial, Instapage will automatically upgrade you to one of their paid subscription plans. If you want to try a demo of the Enterprise plan, then you can contact Instapage and make a request.

The Business plan costs $199 per month or $1,788 per year (a savings of $600).

The second plan offered by Instapage is Enterprise; it comes with everything included in the Business plan option plus so much more:

  • Enterprise SSO (Okta & OneLogin)
  • 1:1 Ad-to-Page Personalization
  • Real-Time Visual Collaboration
  • Editable Global Blocks
  • AMP Pages & Experiences
  • Direct Lead-Bypass
  • Audit Logs
  • Guaranteed Uptime-Enterprise SLA
  • Ad Spend Conversion Attribution
  • Page Migration Services
  • Dedicated Launch Specialist
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Custom Feature Implementation

The Enterprise plan is for businesses with more than 30,000 unique visitors.

Unique visitors are people who have visited your landing page. They are identified and monitored by a cookie so that they are only counted one time regardless of how often they visit the page.

The Enterprise subscription plan is completely customized to your needs, so you will need to contact a Instapage sales rep to sign up for this plan and request information regarding its monthly or annual pricing.

Pros and Cons


  • Lots of resources to help guide you through the services
  • Flexible plans that can be customized to your needs
  • Direct individual help from Instapage team members to help you get the most out of your plan and Instapage’s services
  • Can integrate with more than 40 email marketing, social, CRM, marketing automation, and optimization software


  • ​Can be too expensive for casual users


Overall, Instapage is a great option to use if you need to improve your ad conversions. I felt overwhelmed when I first tried Instapage, but I soon learned that I didn’t need to.

Their services are easy to navigate, and they make sure that you have someone from their team who can help guide you on your journey to realizing the success you’ve always dreamed of having.

I definitely recommend Instapage to anyone who wants to maximize their ad conversions. If you are interested in trying out Instapage for yourself, then you should check out the free trial and review their plans to see which one is best for you.

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References & Resources