We are always looking to find the best hosting providers on the internet, but that can be a tough task with an industry that is filled with competitive providers. Today, we are going to be looking at JustHost to try and determine what their services are like and whether they are worth the price.
JustHost Review
JustHost Hosting
Today, we are placing the spotlight on the JustHost web hosting platform. They are currently used by over one million different websites and they provide a lot of unique features that might be suitable for your needs. We can start by taking a look at their large list of positive benefits. These benefits include a free domain name, free website builder, and several free marketing tools that can bring traffic to your web page. Users can also take advantage of up to $100 of free Google Adwords advertising when making a qualifying purchase.
When visiting for the first time, new customers can take advantage of a special introductory offer that places more than a 50% discount on the standard hosting plans. This could be a great offer to try out their services for a cheap and cost-effective price point.
There are three primary hosting plans, including Basic, Plus, and Choice Plus. We are going to briefly discuss the main benefits of each hosting plan before moving onto our next subject of this review.
Basic Plan
The first hosting plan is dubbed the basic plan. This option comes with support for one website and up to 50 GB of free space. The bandwidth is unmetered for all service plans, but there are limits to domains, email accounts, and storage space on the basic plan. This particular product plan is ideal for newcomers and beginners. If you are looking for large amounts of storage space and several websites, you will probably have to look at one of the higher-tiered web hosting plans.
Plus Plan
The medium-tiered hosting plan features unlimited storage space, unlimited websites, and unlimited domains. This is a standard service plan that should be ideal for most customers that are looking to host large websites and databases. With the introductory offer, this service plan can be purchased for as little as 7 dollars per month.
Choice Plus Plan
The final plan that we are going to take a look at is the Choice Plus service plan. This selection includes everything from the previous two plans, but it also provides backup protection, privacy protection, and up to 80 dollars in extra services for no additional cost. All hosting plans are provided to customers with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
Other Features
There are thousands of pre-built website templates that come along with the free web builder. Several testimonials praise the platform for its outstanding web hosting services and helpful customer support. We are going to briefly cover some of the extra benefits that come along with selecting the JustHost web provider.
The user interface is simple and easy to understand and the learning curve is not overwhelmingly steep. Users can easily reach out to customer support for help with their services, account issues, or billing questions. The 24/7 support team is effective and manages to provide a positive level of customer assistance at any time.
There are dozens of free benefits for signing up with JustHost as well, including a free collection of advertising bonuses for Google Adwords. The setup time is relatively short and JustHost has exceptional uptime and performance. There are dozens of interesting reasons to give their platform a try.
As a bonus, the in-depth help center that is integrated into the website makes it extremely simple for customers to take advantage of all of the features that come with a hosting plan. There are dozens of helpful tutorials and answers to common customer questions. Users can visit this advanced feature database at any time to gain additional knowledge regarding their service plan.
After evaluating all of the features and benefits from the JustHost web provider, there is no doubt that they are among some of the best providers in the entire web hosting industry. They have an extremely generous introductory pricing offer for new customers. This is all in addition to the free advertising benefits, free website builder, and free domain name that comes with an initial purchase. If customers are not satisfied with their services, a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee is provided at any time by reaching out to the support team.
Pros & Cons
- Free Domain Name & Free Web Builder.
- Generous Introductory Pricing Offer.
- Several Unique Hosting Plans.
- Exceptional Customer Support.
- 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
- Prices are Somewhat Expensive after Introduction Rate Expires.
Final Verdict
We are reaching the final verdict for this review of the JustHost web hosting platform. There are many things to take into consideration, but it does appear that they have an excellent collection of valuable features that might impress several customers that are shopping for high-quality web hosting services.
One of the reasons that we recommend this platform for you is because of their special introductory pricing offer. They offer more than a 50% discount on their hosting plans for an initial term of their products. This is a great way to try out their services and see if their performance is up to par for what you are expecting.
The customer support team is extremely helpful which is always a major factor that we use to determine if a platform retains a high level of quality. We also look at performance metrics, consistency, and service plans to determine if quality and value exist on the platform.
After taking into consideration nearly every single one of these factors, we have concluded that we highly recommend JustHost's web hosting services to new customers that are looking for a fresh start. There is no better time for new users to visit the website to signup for one of their generous introductory service plans.
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- JustHost, Official Website.