Review Of Mouseflow
Many app developers and marketing professionals can be overwhelmed by the amount of information that they have to deal with. While much of this can often be essential for the role, it’s still easy to overlook a lot of things.
Naturally, this could lead to mistakes happening or incorrect reports. This is because we’ll often have to go through a significant amount of data from Google Analytics and much more. Despite how valuable this information can be, it often might not offer a complete picture of how a website or app is being used.
While you’ll be able to track how many people visit the website, alongside which pages and posts they visit, some information may be lacking. As such, quite a lot of us may have to draw conclusions from an incomplete data set. This is where it can often cause mistakes to happen, albeit rarely.
However, this isn’t something that you’ll have to tolerate. Instead, there is quite a large selection of tools and apps that can help you. Over the past few years, several of them have become increasingly popular. One of the more prominent of these is Mouseflow.
Despite how popular it’s become, many people may not know what Mouseflow is. Those that do might have difficulty deciding whether or not it’s something they should use. There are a few things that you might want to know, some of which might help you decide.
What Is Mouseflow?
Released in 2010, Mouseflow is a tracking software that allows developers and website owners to monitor and analyze how people use their site. There are a variety of things that you’ll be able to take advantage of with this, including a broad range of functionality.
This includes heatmaps, conversion funnels, form analytics, and much more. Using these should let you understand your website visitors much better, with this being seen in a few unique ways. Much of this will be seen when and where a visitor abandons a website.
Without such a software, the majority of us will have to guess why people have been abandoning the site and why. With this, however, you should be able to get a much more comprehensive picture of why people may be leaving the website, what they were doing beforehand, and more.
It should also allow you to determine what the more popular areas of a site are, where you can improve the website, and much more. There are a few ways that Mouseflow will help you make informed decisions, including:
- Giving you detailed conversion funnels to highlight why rates are low;
- Allowing you to record user sessions, which should let you visualize what they’re doing on your website;
- Providing you with heatmaps to highlight what people are doing on your site, and where they spend the majority of their time.
There are quite a significant number of features to take advantage of with Mouseflow, each of which could be quite beneficial. Naturally, visitor tracking will be the most obvious of these. However, there are a few other features that you should be able to capitalize on, including:
- Session Playbacks: All user sessions are recorded, so you should be able to play these back to develop a better understanding of how they browse your site.
- User Details: Mouseflow will provide much more user information than you might have initially thought. This includes browser, operating system, and much more.
- Funnel Analytics: You’ll be able to get real-time analytics about what visitors are doing on your website. There’s quite a significant number of areas that this will cover. Instead of visits and unique readers, you’ll be able to see how many people started filling out a form versus how many people actually completed it. This is spread across a variety of key areas, which should prove to be beneficial.
- Heatmap: A heatmap is one of the more obvious features that you might want to use. This will highlight where on a page users spend the most time. You should then be able to determine whether this is where you want them to focus, or if you need to make changes to encourage them to visit other areas. The heatmap should be a high-quality indication of engagement across a website.
- Form Analytics Reports: You’ll be able to utilize a variety of in-form analytics reports with Mouseflow. These focus on how long a person spends filling out a form, if they deleted and then re-filled their submission, and much more.
Coupled with these are a variety of other features that you can capitalize on. However, each of the above is some of the more notable and should prove to be more beneficial for your website. As such, they could be seen as some of the larger features that you might want to consider.
Mouseflow offers three packages to take advantage of, with each offering a variety of pros and cons. As such, you might want to be aware of these when considering the service. These are:
FreeThis allows you to track one website with up to 500 monthly users, which may be a decent introduction to the service. However, this is quite limited in features.
StarterThis starts at $24 per month and allows you to track one website with up to 10,000 monthly visitors.
GrowthStarting at $79 per month, there’s quite a broad range of features on offer here. The package allows you to track three websites per month with up to 50,000 page views. It also gives you access to all of the features that Mouseflow offers.
ProStarting at $299 per month, there’s a wealth of reasons why this can be recommended for website professionals. This allows you to track up to 30 sites with 500,000 monthly page views.
Each of the above have their own drawbacks and benefits, with all of them being worth a consideration, depending on your needs.
What Are the Benefits of Mouseflow?
While many of Mouseflow’s benefits may seem obvious, there are a few of them that you might overlook. Despite this, it could be quite a powerful information-gathering tool for your website. For the majority of us, the more actionable data we have about users, the better we can do our jobs.
Mouseflow is one of the more useful tools for this, as it provides a significant amount of this information. This should mean that you’ll be able to optimize your site in a variety of ways better. You should then be able to make a variety of tweaks and changes to increase conversion rates.
This means that you should see a much higher return on investment over time on your site. As a result, Mouseflow should be seen as a research tool focused on your users. By being able to understand them better, you can more accurately assess their needs and desires when browsing your site.
Armed with this knowledge, you should then be able to better meet these, both in the short- and long-terms.
What Are the Drawbacks Of Mouseflow?
While there’s a large number of benefits at Mouseflow, it also has its drawbacks. Perhaps the largest of these is that you’ll be limited in how many session playbacks you can see. This is seen regardless of which package you take advantage of.
While this is reset monthly, it could be a large drawback for many of us. Much of this can be seen if you experience a large increase in visitors over time or if you already have many of them. As a result, you’ll only be able to see a fraction of the sessions that are conducted on the site.
Though you’ll still be able to see a variety of them, this could be much more limited than you might have initially thought. While this might increase for more expensive packages, it’s more restricted than you might see elsewhere.
Is It A Recommended Choice?
Despite having several drawbacks, the benefits that Mouseflow offers will far outweigh these. As such, it can be a recommended option for developers and other website owners. While it can be useful in a variety of ways, there are a few specific areas where it can have more benefits than others.
As such, there are a few reasons why you should consider using it outside of the benefits mentioned above. Prominent among these is if you’re managing several websites. Mouseflow will let you create a variety of sub-accounts for each of these sites, which you can then give access to for other people.
This should mean that you’ll be able to grant access to employees while restricting their activities to the websites they’re working on. As such, you shouldn’t compromise any of the other websites or Mouseflow accounts. This should make it a useful tool for many marketing and website development professionals.
Whether you’re a large corporation or an individual entrepreneur, there is a large number of reasons why you should consider Mouseflow. Since it was released almost a decade ago, it’s gone through many changes to stay relevant. By doing so, it’s continued to offer a high-quality service to each of its customers.
While there’s a significant number of alternatives to choose from, the majority of these can’t match Mouseflow. With the benefits that it offers and overall affordability, it’s one of the more cost-effective options while still outperforming its competitors.
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- Mouseflow, Official Website.