Profits Unlimited Review
For the beginning entrepreneur, the idea of investing in stocks probably sounds a little out of your price range. Heck, even if you are a seasoned entrepreneur, you might feel that the risks of stock investments doesn't match the rewards you might gain.
As such, it might come as a shock to you that there are people in the industry who claim that they can advise and guide you to guaranteed, stock-investment wealth. To the average, and even above-average entrepreneur, the stock market is way too unpredictable to “guarantee” success.
I wouldn't blame you for feeling skeptical, because tons of people make bogus claims about their “hidden”, “secret” money-making schemes. If someone is making claims like this with the stock market, then it must be a scam, right?
Well, Paul Mampilly is looking to prove all the skeptics wrong. He released a program called Profits Unlimited, a specialized, market-advisory service where Mampilly provides you in-depth, focused education on the latest investment opportunities in two of the most profitable, but risky markets: the medical and technology industries.
We're going to go over Mampilly's history and dive deeper into Profits Unlimited. We'll discuss the features, weigh the pros and cons, and assess whether Mampilly is the real-deal, or if he's just another snake-oil salesman.
Who Am I?
Before we get into this, I'd like to share a little about myself. My name is Kyle, a 31-year-old Chicago native. I've been interested in being an entrepreneur since I was 13, and I relished the potential freedom of working for myself and controlling my financial future.
However, it took me a while to recognize that being an entrepreneur meant having discipline, focus, education and self-confidence that most people never learn to have. I'd work a lot of dead-end, crappy jobs before I mustered the courage and determination to become an online, freelance writer.
With that said, within 4 months of writing, I was comfortably generating $1500 a week working for various clientele. I live a rather modest life, and that allowed me to save a substantial amount of money to being investing in passive income streams.
I began to purchase some courses on eCommerce, as it appeared to be the simplest method for a person like me. However, to be completely honest with you, I found out a very interesting fact about myself: I hated selling stuff.
I don't know why, but I never really cared for salesmanship. I'm a rather honest person; I like being upfront and straightforward. Granted, I did have to “market” myself as a writer, but in many instances I just let my work speak for itself.
Moreover, the few mistakes I did make with eCommerce were pretty expensive setbacks. I wasn't financially crippled, but it became very clear to me that eCommerce wasn't as much of a “safe bet” as I thought.
How I Found Profits Unlimited
I refocused on writing, as it was simpler and I was already making more than enough money to live freely. However, I couldn't escape a recurring feeling: I wanted my money to work for me, and not the other way around.
Don't get me wrong, I really like writing. I'm not in love with it, but I'm more than happy to write if I know that it's worth my time. However, I wanted the freedom of knowing that, if I wanted to take a break for a few months, I could do that and continue to thrive financially.
I started to think about possibly investing in stocks, which led me to things like forex trading. Let me say, I had no idea what forex trading was before I heard about it. After 2 months of study, I can safely say that I know even less about forex now than I did before my research.
I was on the brink of giving up, hoping that I could “suck it up” and retry my eCommerce ventures. However, I was skeptically reading a review for a “magic” forex trading software when I came across Profits Unlimited.
I'm not normally a cynical person, but I am pretty critical. As such, when I read some of the claims for Profits Unlimited, I almost burst into laughter. I thought I had found the mother of bogus wealth claims.
Profits Unlimited claimed to promise large profits, with no risk, in stock market investments. This was already far-fetched enough, but the service claimed to guarantee these earnings medical and tech companies, which are very risky industries.
At this point, I “knew” this was garbage. I found the program's creator, Paul Mampilly, and I instantly felt he was brewing up a terrific, yet ridiculous scam. How on Earth was this guy able to make such wild claims?
Who Is Paul Mampilly?
I was sure that Paul was cooking up a whole can of poop, and imagined what wild, marketing-guru nonsense I would find on YouTube.However, I was surprised to see that it was rather easy to find detailed information on his professional accomplishments.
Mampilly is a former hedge fund manager and highly-successful investor. He started his career as an assistant portfolio manager for Bankers Trust, but quickly advanced to managed a multitude of multi-million-dollar accounts for Deutsche Bank, Sears, ING, The Royal Bank of Scotland, and a private Swiss Bank.
His expertise would eventually warrant the attention of a $6-billion hedge fund, who placed him as the fund's key manager. Mampilly exceeded expectations when the firm's assets quickly blossomed to a staggering $25-billions, with Barron's listing it as one of the world's greatest hedge funds.
On top of this booming corporate success, Paul managed a rather impressive feat between 2008 and 2009. Despite the dire consequences of the market crash, he was able to generated a $38-million profit from a $50-million investment in less than 1 year… without shorting stocks.
Most people would continue to pocket millions of dollars for corporations if they had Mampilly's skills. But he eventually grew bored with Wall Street life, and retired from corporate investing at only 42 years of age. However, he did not stop helping people earn money.
Instead, he turned his focus on applying this skill for the advantage of average, normal Americans. He created Profits Unlimited, with the sole purpose of finding rising stocks and delivering that information to regular people.
As a digital and physical-print newsletter, individuals gain access to Mampilly expert insight and knowledge on the most profitable stocks coming through the medical industry.
With the features we will discuss a later, Profits Unlimited provides you with constant, up-to-date access to company stocks that are on the edge of revolutionary breakthroughs. This information is guided Paul's expertise, who gives you precise guidance on when to buy stocks, how much to buy them for, and when to sell them.
This guidance has led his subscribers to comfortable retirement, freedom from debt, paying their children's way through college, and overall financial security and freedom.
… I Had To Give It A Shot
When I found this information out, I quickly found my skepticism melting. Well, it wasn't that quick, but I have to say that I really admired Mampilly for what he was trying to accomplish.
Moreover, when it came to making the service available to regular people, I can say that Mampilly kept his word. I decided to go through order page for the service in November of 2018, just to see how much it cost.
I'll be complete honest: I fully expected this service to cost over $300 a month. Let's be fair: business consultation is normally very expensive. For the expertise Mampilly offered, I wouldn't be surprised if the subscription cost $1,000 a month.
But do you want to know what he was selling the Premium Membership for? $79 for an entire year! I almost scratched my head, because I was sure I was missing something. There was no way that this was being sold for less than $6.60 a month.
At this point, I figured that even if this was a scam, it would be a pretty inexpensive risk. It sure was a whole lot less expensive than ordering products that don't sell on Amazon, so I figured it was time to give this program a shot.
What Is Profits Unlimited?
You might be asking yourself, “Okay Kyle, you've talked so highly of Profits Unlimited. But what is it?” It's a fairly important question to ask, especially since Mampilly is making some pretty bold claims.
However, Profits Unlimited is not some super, high-tech software. In fact, Profits Unlimited is a very simple, yet in-depth, investment newsletter that is delivered both through digital and physical-print media.
From the physical end, you receive a monthly, printed edition of Profits Unlimited that details the latest stocks surrounding companies on the edge of medical and technological breakthroughs.
At the moment, Mampilly is is tracking the companies that are leading the way breakthroughs in the $19-trillion industry of technology. Tracking these companies, and planning sound investments in them are the highlight of his latest Internet of Things Action Plan.
The Internet of Things Action Plan comes together with your monthly subscription. The plan details the following:
## The Company Leading the $19-Trillion Revolution
This part of the plan focuses on Sensors and the company leading the way with this technology. Sensors are the key technology driving the $19-trillion technology revolution.
This $6-billion firm is leading the way with sensors, and proper investing with this company is key to capitalizing on this market.
## 5 Technology Stocks That Will Power the Next Industrial Revolution
Mampilly emphasizes that five pivotal technologies are at the core The Internet of Things revolution: robotics, automatic-driving cars, data storage, manufacturing and business intelligence.
As such, you are given detailed investor's knowledge of the companies leading the charge in these five areas, and how you should best invest in them.
## 3 Ticking Time Bombs to Avoid!
While there are winning companies in the tech industry, there are also losers as well. You'll be pointed at the 3 once-golden companies that are bad news for your marketing success.
## The Bauman Newsletter
This newsletter is a special addition provided by leading asset-protection expert Ted Bauman. This newsletter details critical information that you need to keep your assets and investments secure.
The Profits Unlimited newsletter details all the latest developments and investment guidance on how to capitalize on this technology phenomenon. Each month, Paul gives his in-depth analysis and research on a minimum of at least one highly-promising investment opportunity.
Included with the Profits Unlimited newsletter, the package includes Mampilly's very own model portfolio. It outlines the precise strategy that he used to generate profits of over 2,000% in a single trade. He provides you the expert knowledge you need to know so that you buy the right stock, you buy the right amount of it, and when to sell at the optimal price.
Digitally, you get digital access to the newsletter, alone with weekly and daily email updates on the latest investor news. You will always be up-to-date, and you will be alerted when to place your next trades.
This advisory service is meant to be accessible in any form of digital, internet-connected media device. Whether you are at home on your laptop or desktop, or you are away on your smartphone, you can access Profits Unlimited with ease.
To top things off, Paul includes a 1-year, money-back guarantee. Not only can you request a full refund if you dissatisfied, but you get to keep what you already received with the Profits Unlimited service.
Did It Work For Me?
Now, this service might sound quite awesome, but the real question is, does this advisory service really deliver the goods? How did it work out for me, since I'm the guy making it sound like a million bucks?
Well, to be technically honest with you, it didn't work out for ME. Did I use the information that I received to make substantially more money than I once had? The answer to this question is a 100% yes.
However, I did not place a single trade myself. Instead, my fortune came as a de-facto “advisor” to my older brother and his friends. He's an entrepreneur who actually does like eCommerce, and has been pretty successful.
The problem is that he was very, very cautious about stock investment. He almost lost a ton of money trusting someone who promised him guaranteed profits, but was not very trustworthy in the end.
I had an advantage, though. My time writing product reviews helped me lead him to the eCommerce course that helped him become financially independent. When I told him that I had credible, investment information, he was quick to listen.
Honestly speaking, I can't really see why he would trust me to give him investor's advice, but to his luck and mine, he listened to “my” investment advice. It wasn't really my advice, it was actually what I learned from the newsletter.
I was very ready to make my own trades, but my brother was already attempting to invest, and was a willing guinea pig due to his faith in my advice. I wouldn't hear from him until about 2 weeks later, and that's when he hit me with a surprising offer.
“I'm gonna cut you a $4000 check this month, and if you keep on with this advice, I'll keep cutting you these checks!” We drafted up a contract, and this same contract was used to sign 10 clients, all by word-of-mouth from my brother.
Pros & Cons
My brother never asked me how I got this info, and he simply referring to me as his “source of valuable, trading advice”. I never told him that I got this information from a newsletter that is less than $100 a year.
The price and accessibility is one of the most impressive aspects of this service. Even if the information was half as good, it could easily go for $100 a month. However, it's nearly $79 for the first year.
It does renew at $97 once the first year is over, but that's still a ridiculously affordable price for this kind of information. Perhaps the low cost is reflective of how simple the service actually is.
Despite how valuable this service is, it is a rather simple and modest product. The physical product are nothing more than published, paper-bound newsletters. The email alerts and bulletins are extremely easy to access, and there's really no high-tech skills you need to acquire.
He further demonstrates his commitment to the average American by offering a generous, year-long warranty. If you request a refund within your first year due to dissatisfaction with the service, then it is granted to you. But you probably won't need to do that if you acquire this service.
The only con, which is more of precautionary advice, is that stock investment is still very risky. Money can be easily lost, and it's one of the key reasons people are afraid to invest. However, with aid from Profits Unlimited, that risk is about as low as it gets.
Every person has to choose their own path to entrepreneurial success. I won't tell you that you have to buy Profits Unlimited. However, I can tell you that expert advice from someone like Paul is very, very rare. Getting it for less than $100 a year? Almost impossible.
But Profits Unlimited offers one of, if not the best example of quality, investment guidance that the average person can come across. Moreover, if you are dissatisfied, you can refund the subscription completely, which really makes this investment even more worthwhile.
I won't tell you to buy it, but I will certainly suggest that you take a closer look at Profits Unlimited. For once, it sounds like the author of a wealth course actually does want you to make money.
evolutionary, right?
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- Paul Mampilly, Officail Website.
- Pro, Paul Mampilly. fits Unlimited
- Succes, Zacks. sful Stock Market Trading Strategies
- What is T, Trading Strategy Guides. he Best Trading Strategy To Earn A Living