Robert Kiyosaki Review

In order to be successful, one has to share the burden of instance of failure. We pick ourselves up again after we are put down. This looks different for each person who has been knocked down at a point in their life. Some recover almost immediately while others may be set back a few years before facing the music again. This is a similar story that can be applied to the life of Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki started his strive for business ventures in the late 1970s.

Robert Kiyosaki Review

He invented one of the first Velcro wallets to reach the marketplace. The business was booming as this product was the first to brace the marketplace. It did not take long for overseas threats to come knocking. Shortly after basking in years of success with his wallet company, Kiyosaki found himself bankrupt.

He caved under pressure and ended up joining the same company that put him out of business to share ideas and concepts with. This partnership created a slight rise before is the second fall was determined.

From this instance, Kiyosaki learned that placing personal trust within a group that does not share the same vision can end up burning you.

Other Mishaps

The wallet misfortune was the first roller coaster in Kiyosaki's career. Learning from this instance, he decided to evade some of the product sales to interpret his findings in the world of business up to this point in his life. He would produce a popular title and sell over 1 million copies of his personal writings.

Robert Kiyosaki Review

Rich Dad, Poor Dad would be highlighted across all best-sellers lists, creating an empire of wealth from this personalized write from Kiyosaki. His book attempted to breakdown the many different aspects of business. He said that all people fell into their own categories on the 4 levels of his Cashflow Quadrant: the employed, the self-employed, investors and business owners. He termed, through his writing, that the most successful groups came from the business owner and investor quadrants.

Defining the difference between each category and creating comparison and contrast models allowed people a peer into the mind of big businesses across the globe. For the first time people were able to go inside the mind of each quadrant of users without having to seek the research information on their own. This vault of information is what led to so many sales for the novelist.

Rich Global LLC was his utilized platform for the production of his speeches. He would travel all across the country to deliver his presence to avid fans and viewers. His travels also permitted the exposure of additional levels of interest surrounding the millionaire's namesake.

Robert was accused of utilizing the same sales pitch platform that was being used by Learning Annex. This case traveled to court where Robert was ultimately challenged and beaten. He has to dismember this strive for excellence and pay over $20 million in court fees and legal obligations for copying the same platform utilized by Learning Annex.

These two instances of disproof did not stop Robert from continuing to shed his skin to be reborn again. Each time he was defeated, he faced the music and applied himself to a differed career field. Network marketing seems to be the end-all for what he has moved forward. His plans have shown some promise and he continues to be involved with regions all across the globe.

His networking skills have been developed over his years of trials and tribulations. Robert will go down as one of the only people to recover on multiple occasions from bankruptcy to millionaire status.


While most of his practices are not orthodox, they are effective. Robert has shown over the course of his career that he is capable of developing a company into a million-dollar brand. While his approaches might not always sit well with his critics, they are still present and relevant. It would be a different story entirely if the money wasn't there.

Plentiful wealth has allowed Robert to face adversity head-on. Once challenged, there is no stopping his attempt to rise from the ashes and re-birth his career to a high level of stability. His case of a career pattern and path is one of the most interesting we have noticed within the realms of entrepreneurs.

While the success seems to fade after a downfall, the comeback is worth sitting around and waiting for. His future in the field of network marketing seems to be secure as this industry is still on the up-rise.

We will see where his passions land him next, but we do know one thing that is for certain; this is one of the most resilient entrepreneurs that we have ever seen.

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