Superstar Speaker Training Review
As an entrepreneur, you may already be aware of the importance of public speaking skills. Your ability to present yourself in a convincing, trustworthy and inspiring manner can be the difference between your financial success and your financial failure.
Many of you have already seen many successful, wealthy entrepreneurs who construct concise, poised and effective presentations. At the heart of these presentations is one common skill: they know how to “talk the talk”. And they are able to convince you that they not only know how to “walk the walk”, but that they can show you how to walk like they do.
Another common theme among successful entrepreneurs is constant emphasis on the value of sound, well-orchestrated mentorship. Maybe you already have powerful, public speaking skills, but you don't know how to translate these skills into your business success.
Fortunately, there are individuals who specialize in helping people just like you and I harness or direct these public-speaking skills into presentations that are critical to your entrepreneurial efforts.
Today, we are going to review Superstar Speaker Training, a program created by Tim McGrath. He's a best-selling author and world-renowned public speaker who has developed a live, coaching program that focuses on generating business wealth through seminars and workshops.
We'll go over what the course is about, what the strengths and weaknesses are, and whether it is a worthwhile investment for you and your business success. So let's dive in and see what Superstar Speaker Training is all about.
A Little About Me
Before we dive in to McGrath's program, I want to give a little information about myself. My name's Heathcliff, but my friends and associates call me Cliff. I'm a 33-year-old from Chicago, and I have been interested in entrepreneurship since I was 13.
My family has always been known for having the “gift of gab”, and people loved to hear us tell stories about regular, everyday affairs. I personally specialized in stories and ideas that appealed to people's intellect.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no specialist with any accredited certifications in any professional field.
However, I was always gifted at speaking to people, no matter how much younger or older they were. People tend to call me “everyone's bigger brother”, because folks, both young and old would consult me for advice about their life and the issues they face.
Despite these skills, I had two major issues. First, even though people loved to hear me speak, they did not seem to follow through on my advice. Secondly, this issue became extremely noticeable when I tried to utilize my skills to help grow my business.
I wasn't really good with marketing in general, but with the tools that are available through FaceBook, YouTube, Google Hangouts and the myriad of webinar services on the net, I thought it was my time to shine with my personal speaking skills.
However, I found even more people who liked hearing me talk but didn't want to follow through on the plans I laid out. I literally met hundreds of people online, and talked to the great majority of them. All of them wanted to be my friend, but none of them wanted to do business with me.
How I Came Across Tim and His Superstar Speaker Training
I pretty much gave up on entrepreneurship, and specifically internet marketing. I wound up working a series of dead-end, 9 – 12:30-in-the-morning jobs before I found the courage to begin freelance writing for online content mills.
I didn't have to market myself very much to get these writing gigs, but these jobs helped me discover a lot of coaching programs that specialized in entrepreneurial training. They used to exist in the past as well, but they were far more expensive and far harder to evaluate.
Even though I worked for other people, my freelance writing helped me cultivate discipline and the self-confidence that I could work on my own schedule when I chose to. Moreover, I was making substantially more money than before, and I was only working half the time. With some money saved for training, I started looking for that “special” course that I could use to finally reach my goal of financial freedom.
This is when I eventually came across Tim. At first, I wasn't too hip on public speaking courses, as I thought I was already pretty good at it. However, I couldn't deny my memories of consistently failing to inspire action in my business, and even personal life.
What drew me to Tim was his background. Yes, he made millions through coaching public speakers and entrepreneurs. Yes, he has leveraged this skill to create mountains of success in the entertainment, business and self-transformation world.
But that's not what drew me to him… at least it wasn't the main thing. What drew me to Tim was his background: he started as a theater performer. As a theater performer, you are publicly sharing a story through the characters you portray. Actors are storytellers, and I felt that this was a perfect fit for me.
What is Superstar Speaker Training?
Tim compiled Superstar Speaker Training from his years of experience helping coaches, public speakers and entrepreneurs develop speaking and presentation skills that inspire and insight people to take action.
This training system is extremely in-depth, and one of the key highlights of the course is Tim's direct involvement in your learning process. You don't just learn public speaking skills; you learn how to cultivate these skills into being a full-fledged business based on seminars, webinars, and live events.
Within the course, McGrath highlights the following features and components:
- Tim's 8-week, live, group coaching where he guides you step-by-step through your presentation action plan.
- Access to all past, present and future webinar recordings.
- Develop the skills and tools to create dynamic, attractive and action-oriented live events. This includes potent content creation, selling while on-stage and, as we have stated numerous times, highly potent speaking skills.
- Learn how to organize live events so that you can throw away those huge e-mail lists.
- Guidelines that teach you how to secure local and international contracts.
- Master templates that allow you to leverage others' live events to market and close deals.
- Free invitation to Tim's live event where he teaches you how to make enticing offers to clients and customers.
- Become a master of highly-lucrative webinars and workshops.
- How to outsource certain work-related components so that you have more time to enjoy life.
With these tools at your disposal, this course is tailor-made to help you become a highly-effective, and highly-wealthy public speaking specialist.
Strengths & Weaknesses
One of the top strengths of this course isTim's live training. Not only is he coaching you and the student-group directly, but his application of skill through teaching helps you learn more quickly, or it at least did so for me.
It's one thing to learn this material through text, videos and the like. However, to see it applied while he is teaching helps you absorb little tidbits that might get lost through these other mediums.
Secondly, Tim knows what he's talking about. I learned that my approach to speaking focused too much on intellect. Appealing to intelligence is important, but cultivating emotionally-inspired messages are the key to inspiring action in your listeners. I learned how to translate my logic-based messages into messages that struck both the heart and mind.
The presentation skills don't have to stop with speaking. I found that much of this skills translates into writing as well; and I used it on live webinars to attract others through comments and carefully-selected questions.
Finally, it helped me cultivate the ability to teach. When I was in network marketing, I found that so many people wanted to sell, sell, sell. However, no one was teaching their students how to be effective teachers, to invest in the business networks or focus on making their prospects money.
This was my hugest gripe with network marketing, but I couldn't pierce the thick veil of repetitive, rinse-and-repeat tactics that rarely worked for anyone but a small handful of network marketers.
With Tim's course, however, I could finally inspire business associates to not only join my opportunities, but teach them how to become effective marketers and teachers themselves.
The only weakness I can target for this course is the price. Let me make one thing clear: I wholeheartedly feel that this course was fairly priced. When I first got into marketing and entrepreneurship, I felt that “rich people” shouldn't charge for courses when they are already “so rich”.
Fact is, this idea spits in the face of entrepreneurship in general, and it is highly ignorant and entitled. First, where can you find an educational institution where the educators do their work for free? Did your 2nd-grade math teach work for free? Did you're college professors or job trainers work for free?
No, they didn't. So it's unfair to believe that business coaches and consultants should work for free, even if they are wealthy. To add, we stated earlier that most successful business people relied on mentorship to achieve their success. So they had to pay for their knowledge as well, and entrepreneurial coaching is a highly specialized field.
With that said, the course is $1997, which may be out of the price range for many people. However, there are very few people like Tim who provide such effective coaching, and he could charge 10x that much and it still be fairly priced.
It's rare that I would tell you or anyone else to do something. I value personal choice, and I feel that, especially as an entrepreneur, you should take control of your own life in as many ways as possible.
That being said, if you are an entrepreneur, I have to say that the skills that Tim teaches are irreplaceable. If you are prone to laziness, want someone to do work for you, and don't want to learn, then don't look at this course.
However, if you're serious about your financial freedom and future, I suggest you take a closer look at this course. It might be a pretty sizable investment for some, but the rewards are well worth it for someone who really applies the knowledge. But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself and see if Superstar Speaker Training is right for you!
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- Superstar Speaker, Ted McGrath.
- Twelve Steps to Financial Success, NFCC.
- What It Means to Be an Entrepreneur, Business News Daily.