Justin Atlan Reviews

Justin Atlan is an entrepreneur from California who has built a large following via his marketing group ClickBank. ClickBank is an affiliate and vendor marketing program that helps entrepreneurs gain the skills they need to sell via a virtual platform. His building of this foundation has also fostered the start of ClickBank University.

This immersive programming has helped to carry individuals through the complete selling process, walking them through the program on a step by step basis. Justin started this strive when he was only 18 years of age.

He has a degree owning in the field of Economics from the University of California, San Diego. While in school, Justin developed his program with the help of his assistant, Adam Horwitz.

The two marketed their offering to more than 20,000 providers, reaching all ends of the globe.

What Is ClickBank

Justin Atlan Review

ClickBank is a platform that increases online sales. It is a generational platform that prescribes an area of need for the user. The program can be used via vendor or affiliate status. There is no service charge for those looking to make an account with ClickBank.

This basic account fee releases a majority of user tools to the individual. This fee also covers the 8-step process used to take Justin from nothing to 7-figure income levels. The program starts with introduction videos and the how-to of marketing. This brief informational session is a one-on-one webinar with Justin.

This webinar is a basic introduction to how Justin operates and why his teachings are being used by so many. Justin's start-up would help him reach 6-figure income within a year of efforts. With his story as the telling point behind the brand, people often wont bat an eye at the minimal funding that goes into this earning process.

The 8-week program involved with vendor sales is broken into parts to foster success.

The first two weeks embrace the creative process. It goes through all the different products that go into the digital marketplace. It shows you how to find the correct product for you and how to package it for consumer sales.

Week 3 is dedicated to servicing the proper web page for your product. It showcases different web designs and displays that will place your goods into a positive light. It also introduces the user to upselling and how to deliver this form of sales.

Week 4 and 5 are dedicated to the conversion of the viewer to the buyer. These weeks also touch on the pricing of goods. Competitive comparison of product and consumer data allows you to locate the niche area of your price points. Conversion rates are directly correlated with how well you sell your consumer on your brand, so upselling is again fostered into the weeks of this process.

Week 6 involves the building of a strong list of clientele. Email lists and other call logs are determined so that you can start growing your consumer lists.

Week 7 is all about product approval. Gaining the necessary insights for how to adapt to the marketplace and find your spot for selling is a tough breakthrough. This program works to ready your product for the marketplace during this week of operation.

The last week is dedicated to building vendor contacts. The best way to increase sales numbers is by partnering with other vendors to explore additional markets.

When combining all weeks of this program, the user sees the process all the way through and has the guidance needed to lift the product from the ground up.

The affiliate approach skips some of the vendor steps because it primarily deals in email marketing efforts. This is a shorter process that is paced via user needs.

Justin Atlan Review

It starts with the introduction of effective list building skills. Everything to deal with lists and allocation of approach is covered during this introduction period.

The second and third steps involve the use of email capturing. Locating the direct funnels for which to fund your focus is the proper way to gain traffic and increased sales.

The last steps deal with list management. Finding the correct folders for which to label your wide reach of customers. This also helps you to locate areas where your brand could feature improvements and helps to locate outliers to your mean sales.


With ClickBank reaching over 20,000 users it is no wonder that there is a wealth of positiveness surrounding Justin's name. His program helps investors and vendors reach over $1,000 more per sale.

This direct translation and correlation between a marketing program and increased sales have been a way of life for users looking to take his research course seriously. Justin continues to develop and perfect his craft with the company, even after 5 years of business.

This proven system has helped thousands of people generate numbers of 6-figure wealth. The simple following of the steps to his program have changed the way people live their lives.

His approaches will forever be known as life-changing and his presence in the digital world of marketing will forever be solidified by a tried and true system of results.

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